We undertake Comprehensive Pre-Admission Assessments to ensure that we understand the needs an Individual may have when joining us. This Assessment encompasses Physical, Mental and Social needs and is used to ensure that we have sufficient Staffing to meet the Individual’s needs prior to Admission.
We ensure that all Residents have Specialist Care Plans, outlining the Care to be provided to them and these are updated regularly. Specialist Care Plans inform us when needs alter and if additional Resources are required.
Specialist Nursing, Dementia, Residential and Respite Care
We have specialised for the last 20 years in providing exceptional Nursing, Residential and Respite Care. Our committed Work Family is a close-knit and exceptional team who strive each day to give outstanding care and within a warm, happy and safe Home. We strive to give the best every single day. Our Work Family is a friendly, warm, highly skilled and diverse team. What sets us apart? Our comprehensive focus on the essence of the Individual, aiming towards them being their healthiest and happiest self.
From the first point of contact we pledge to honour: ‘The Dash’. Our highly experienced and exceptionally well qualified and diverse Work Family are dedicated to offering Outstanding Care. After Care is an integral part of this journey.
Our respect for the Resident’s Privacy and Dignity reflects the principles which underpin all that occurs in our Home. These values are implemented through: Assessments, Individual Care Plans-developed and agreed with the Residents and their Relatives under the guidelines of the Mental Capacity Act-and across all aspects of Daily Living. The Core values that underpin our work are: Privacy, Dignity, Choice, Rights, Independence and Fulfilment. We work to encourage our Residents to make their own decisions and choices and invite an active participation from Family and Friends.
Nurses oversee each of the 3 daily shifts and Lead Senior Carers and Carers who provide Care to Residents. Our Clinical Family includes Senior Carers who have all undertaken additional Training and NVQ 3 Qualifications and Carers who have completed the Care Certificate and further Training. Our Care Family are extremely experienced in managing the day-to-day Personal Care, Mental Health needs and Nursing needs of our Residents. All Staff complete Documentation on Tablets facilitated by our IT system and all Activities and Interactions with Residents are documented by Staff.
Our Home is fully equipped with a Fire Alarm and a Call Bell system and each Resident Room and Lounge has a Call Bell system. The Home has Hoists, Pressure-Relieving Equipment and other Moving and Handling Equipment to help in the transfer of Residents who have been Assessed as needing this Assistance. We have both Door and Bed Sensors, as well as Sensor Mats.
We have two Trained Chefs who oversee Nutritional Care and any Individual Care Plan specifications/requirements are accommodated for in the Residents Nutritional Input. We have Seasonal, Nutritious, Home-Cooked Meals three times per day and Homemade Snacks three times per day also. Whilst this is not a Clinical Care element we have found that many conditions (skin, health deterioration, healing of wounds) are significantly improved if the nutritional input is good. We have no Residents on weekly weight monitoring as a result of our initiatives and we are partnered with the SALT Team who further assess and advise us regarding modifications to Residents diets to aid areas such as swallowing.
We have a Work Family of highly qualified Staff on site 24 hours a day, who are Trained to meet the Resident’s needs. This Clinical Work Family includes 6 Registered Nurses- 3 with over 30 years experience- across District, Surgical and Psychiatric Specialisms; A Clinical Lead, Deputy Manager: Clinical Nurse and Home Manager RMN Specialising in Dementia. Our Clinical Lead, Deputy Manager and Home Manager have extensive experience of Mentoring across District, Surgical and Psychiatric specialisms enabling outstanding Training and Mentoring of both our Nursing sector and entire Clinical Team.
“It’s exciting being a Key Worker in Care and all of the staff try to do their very best for our Residents”
We have an extensive history of managing complex sore and deep tissue wounds and all of our Nurses are highly trained in this area. Our Clinical Lead and Deputy Manager have Specialised Training in Compression Bandage Management and Dopla usage. We rarely experience pressure damage in our Residents due to this expertise, training, rigorous monitoring and prevention management. We are additionally partnered with the Care Home Support Service and Tissue Viability Team so that wider expert advice can be sought and applied within our Specialist Care plans.
We have invested in our processes regarding Falls and all of our Staff receive detailed Training in the Management and prevention of Falls. We manage High Risk Fallers with individual Falls Risk Assessments, which are completed within 6 hours of Admission and reviewed within the Monthly Care Plan or on each Fall occasion. We discuss and review Falls as part of our Weekly and Monthly Meetings and Falls are part of our wider Monthly Auditing process also.
We have dealt with a number of less common complex Nursing cases across the years, including: Oral Suctions, Complex PEG feeds, Tracheostomies, Oxygen Therapy, BIPAP/CPAP, Syringe Driver usage, Venepuncture, IV Medication, Complex Bowel Management and Peritoneal Dialysis, to name but a few. All Nursing staff are trained in assessing when PRN Medication is required and providing this as required, alongside scheduled Medications and Injections. When examining these cases our Home Manager, Deputy Manager: Clinical and Clinical Lead are all highly experienced Nurses with 47, 35 and 27 years of experience respectively. This provides our Home with a wealth of knowledge to draw upon when constructing Specialist plans of Care for complex Residents.
Care Plans are completed on a personalised basis to meet all aspects of common Nutrition, personal care and to meet specific needs like Diabetes or COPD. Our Home Management Clinical Family/Team are therefore able to use their extensive expertise to put in place Specialist Care Plans to manage these complex situations. We have Clinical Reflection and Supervision sessions with the wider Clinical staff to ensure that Residents are managed effectively.
We manage Complex Mental Health needs with high levels of cognitive impairment. The Home Manager is an RMN with extensive experience specialising in the Management of Complex Mental Health needs and Dementia. Similarly, our entire Clinical Team is outstanding in expertise and accustomed to the daily interventions and management necessary for Comprehensive Resident Care.
Our Management of complex Residents is inextricably linked with our Training. We have robust, diverse Training processes with a dedicated In-House Full Time Training Manager who has worked within the NHS, Private, District and Surgical sectors. Our Training comprises of: detailed Mandatory Inductions (based upon CQC, Skills for Care, NMC and NICE guidelines), the utilisation of an E-Learning platform to provide Staff with more detailed information on key topics/areas of specialism that we have within our Resident Population (eg. Dementia), and a detailed list of subjects/topics for Mandatory Training by Clinical Staff. These Training areas ensure that specific skills such as Medication and Phlebotomy can be effectively undertaken.
We use a Matrix Tool to Track and Monitor Training and Staff Supervision/Appraisal so that all Staff undertake detailed Supervision/Mini-Supervision/Appraisal reviews across five key windows across the Year and more substantive Annual Appraisals. Within this Matrix we also record Observations of Staff across the entirety of the Clinical Team undertaken randomly each Month. Any specific areas of concern or wider areas of concern that are encountered are discussed, reviewed and actions agreed on a Weekly basis within our rigorous Meeting structure.
We are also completing Training for the Accredited Gold Standards Framework for End-of-Life Care (GSF) which ensures a Personalised, Integrative, ‘Whole-System’ approach to all aspects of Care. This Framework, and the effective embodiment of its key principles enables a: ‘Gold Standard’ of Care for any Individual regardless of condition and at any time in an Individual’s final years of life. This training focuses on Highly Advanced Care Planning.
Engagement with Wider Local Services/Professionals
Care Homes are not isolated Institutions within the Health and Social Care Sector as a number of Local Services within the wider system can be sought for expert advice or guidance. As a Home we are partnered with Chipping Norton Health Centre and GP therein, The Care Home Support Team, The SALT Team, The CMHT, Money Management Team, Dieticians, Tissue Viability Team, MDT, Physiotherapy and Occupational Teams alongside our In-House Chiropodist and other specialist teams in reviewing the Care delivered within our Home. Where recommendations/suggestions are made these are actioned and relevant Care Plans updated. This process helps to ensure that our Care delivery is regularly assessed and reviewed by Clinical experts and that it is fully meeting our Residents ongoing needs.
Get in touch…
If you have any questions or would like further information about Beech Haven Nursing Care Home then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.